Tuesday, May 15, 2012

11 months

I'm so BIG! I can stand on my own!
I Love my Daddy!
My favorite thing to do is read
Getting ready for Mother's day brunch... I'm already hungry!
Well 11 months is here, and again I can't stress how quickly it has flown! Since the last blog post Ava has yet to walk. But she is getting closer and closer everyday. She walks along furniture and is great walking when holding our hand, but she hasn't been brave enough to try to walk on her own. She loves to give kisses and is beginning to get separation anxiety, I feel horrible when I drop her off at daycare these days.  Her favorite thing to do before bed time is reading. She loves turning the pages and pointing at the pictures, we hardly ever complete a full book, because she always has her eye on another one and wants to start reading it right away. We are going to need another book sling soon as she has so many books that we literally have to squeeze them in it!
Sunday was my first mothers day, I am am so blessed to have our sweet, adorable daughter! She brings a smile to my face every time I see her and the joy I feel everyday makes me understand my purpose in life! How amazing is the gift of being a mom? I absolutely love it!
1 more month (ACTUALLY 27 MORE DAYS) Ava will be a yr. Really have to start getting all the birthday stuff ready as it is creeping up on us! The invites are being created and about ready to go out (thanks Sharon!)  I cant wait, should be a lot of fun.
I posted a video of Ava "helping" Mommy. She always takes things out of drawers, toy boxes, containers, if there is anything "in" something, she will take it out! It's cute the FIRST time, after about the 6th time, Mommy doesn't find it as cute! :) but it is really hard to be frustrated at this little munchkin!