Friday, November 11, 2011

Another month bites the dust!

Yup! It's that time again. Our little princess is one month older! She has been such a happy girl lately! She has started eating cereal, oatmeal, and baby foods. That may be contributing to her happiness! So far she has LOVED bananas, green beans, carrots, and applesauce. I am thinking that I may start making her food instead of buying it. The fresh stuff tastes so much better then the processed! She has started rolling over more and more. I am no longer able to leave her on her changing table for a quick second as she is moving non stop. She has recently discovered her feet and is always trying to grab them to put them into her mouth! Her chattiness is continuing...I am thinking we may have to make a version of the shirt we did for her dad! haha Kay should know what that means! A few years ago we were up in Lancing and Cole was just talking and talking and talking, wouldn't sit down and would not shut up. So the family made a shirt that said "I'm standing and can't shut up". Obviously we would have to adjust it to something like, "I'm gabbing and I love my voice"..? something like that! 
It's crazy to think that I only have a full 3 weeks of student teaching left with breaks for Thanksgiving and planning days. I can't believe it. It really has gone pretty fast, and I am MORE then ready to have a normal life and schedule again! I am starting full time at GMAC on the 19th of December and will start applying for teaching jobs in January. Hoping I get something close!
Here's a pic of my Dunkerton crew, I haven't taken one of Highland yet
Yes..the hand gestures made them "that" much cooler! Haha

Well once again I will add that we have been blessed with our beautiful healthy girl and are so grateful for her and ALL of our amazing family for everything they do for us! We would have had a hard time getting through these past 5 months without you!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Aunt Mandy was home!

It was so great to have my sister home for the short time she was back last week. It is always nice to have her home, and now with Ava I love seeing them bond! Mandy got a little alone time with little miss as she watched her last Wednesday morning. I was told Ava was pretty good for her, and mostly slept. So thankfully she wasn't a crabby pants for Aunt Mandy. I know Ava loves when she is back and they really seem to get along great. I pray that they are close as she grows up even though Mandy is far away. I am hoping we can get her home for her baptism on the 13th, haven't heard back from Amanda as to whether she can get work off or not, but she will be Ava's godmother. Love and miss you Mandy!