Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Miss my wittle sister :(

<3 Sisters <3
I was going through my camera tonight uploading pics from my camera to the computer and came across some pics of me and Mandy. I don't realize how much I really miss her until I see her face. Would you have ever guessed all the fighting we did growing up by looking at this picture? Haha...oh the fights we had! But I love her to death! She has always been there for me no matter what, and gives me that push when I need it. I will always cherish all the memories I have growing up with her, from lemonade stands, to flashlight tag (the scary kidnapper man :), dance, to shaving cream on my face....I will get you back for that someday! I look forward to all the memories we will have in our futures as well! You are my best friend  Love you Amanda Marie (fart monster)!

1 comment:

  1. awww that was so sweet it made me cry! I miss you more than you will ever know and thank God all the time for the precious little gift you brought into the world! I commend you for all of the hard work and accomplishments you have. I have/always will look up to you and know you will always be there to guide me!

    ~"A sister is a gift to the heart, a friend to the spirit, a golden thread to the meaning of life."
