Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Lucky Number 7

I know I say this almost every month but where has the time gone? Our baby is 7 months already! She's not gonna be a baby for very much longer.. pretty soon we will have a toddler! Updates with Ava since her 6 month post, she still has NO teeth, I have been thinking she's been teething since 3 months, and nothing is popping through! Shows what I know, I guess we can attribute her fussiness at times to Ava just being Ava.  She is making a little more progress towards crawling, she can wiggle herself around and get up on her hands, but still can't seem to figure out the leg part. At times it seems that she is just going to skip crawling all together and start walking. The other morning I had her in the crib playing with toys while I was putting make-up on. I walked in to talk to her and low and behold she is holding onto the railing and pulling herself up. I am thinking "really child, you are not supposed to be doing this yet, you haven't even crawled". The look on my face I'm sure was priceless. I grabbed her out of the crib quickly and held her close kissing her multiple times on top of the head and swaying back and forth. I guess I was trying to savor her littleness...I'm not sure I want a big girl yet! She is starting to learn how to give kisses....sorta. She will perch out her lips then begin spitting or "blowing bubbles" as she leans towards your face, sometimes she just opens her mouth wide and plants one on ya. Being her mom I love it...the more slobber the better!
She has said her first word...if you can call it a word. It's "oh"...she says it whenever she notices something or something catches her attention like, the cat, something on t.v., a toy, or daddy. I think it's her way of letting us know she's paying attention and wanting one of us to see what she's seeing. It's adorable because her mouth forms in an O and stays that way for about 10 seconds. Love it.
Hmmm, what else... I could go on and on but I feel like I am being one of "those" mom's who thinks her child is the greatest thing that has ever entered creation, which she is! :)
Ava, Mommy and Daddy love you so much, and can't wait to watch you grow and grow. You may be getting to go out in the snow for the first time soon, I hear we are supposed to actually experience winter tonight! Should be fun and looking forward to seeing how cute you are in you snow suit!

1 comment:

  1. I had tears reading this. She is also my favorite baby of late. Sorry my boys! I was glad that we got to see her tonight and definitely need to spend some time this weekend with her. They grow up fast Ashley but it is all so worth every minute of it. And yes she may skip crawling and walk. Maybe that was Cole since he was running around at 9 months! We shall see. Love you all!
